Evidence - wave processing stone in antiquity
To understand I am not saying weeds, look into and see about phenomena discovered by John Hutchinson experiments, on this site and around the internet to find out, about levitation and transpozition of the elements under the effect of the waves, because of the cristaline atomic resonance. Basically something more powerful than the cold fusion, clear indication that indeed the first was the word - vibration of God's voice.
- Stone blocks processed at a technological level which is difficult or impossible nowadays. Impossible right angles, micro holes around 1-2mm and several meters long, sometimes at an angle (it finds that even without using nanobots SF); and 6m incisions 1mm wide made with a PORTABLE grinder disc 1-2 meters in diameter - disc virtually impossible to build today, because the thin diamond disc with this diameter MUST be at least 1cm thick, otherwise it would break at high speeds; or the strange Mycenae sedimentary rock cuts, with traces parallel as a knife cutting butter, unlike the curves you leave by a grinder disk; surfaces "melted" in Peru, without being necessarily merged, or sometimes merged (this occurs in Turkey) that cannot be achieved without damaging the chemical crystalline structure; natural stone cut in angles, dimensions, with surface smoothness and forms impossible to obtain today.
- Laser machining leaving a trace, as the chemical or physical "processing" sounds not. "Melt" element without altering its crystal structure (see fusion objects discovered by Hutchinson ).
- Crossed traces, left in a plastic (soft) material, have the ability to show their sequence. This formation discovered by two Russian researchers in Turkey shows that indeed the stone was "softened" before they made those footprints. And it's bazaltic cristaline volcanic rock! Apart from the fact that during the eruption could be no rounded objects or rocks to make such incisions, if marks were made in the rock when it was melted, traces were not preserved with edges so sharp and with an intact crystalline structure.
Stone spheres of Costa Rica and beyond, as we have in Romania

Or maybe it's a strange natural phenomenon ...

Man Called ...
Incidentally, Hutchinson was wrong when he said that his batteries are inultile because no power. Nowadays we do have the power to harness such energy, to transform such energy in real usable power - search for the dry batteries cristaline and you will see that they are not quite as feeble. And we have already developed very efficient converters.
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