The Secret - and everything after

Have you ever heard that saying ‘you cannot escape what you fear'?

I wanted 12/2012 to materialize?  - Yes. Most certainly. First I thought it is a joke, but while I studied global scaling theory and the implications of the unified field theory, I realised more and more that we are indeed parts of the flowing whirlpool, like in  Tom Bearden`s metafora. Tesla already noticed that everything that 'exists' has a vibration (he did not measured, but deducted it from the interactions). There were others who measured them: the hairy Hutchinson

The Secret practically says that we are ‘antennas’ emitting ‘vibrations’ that mold the Univers, creating the world we see. Ho’oponopono, the hawaiian healing through forgiveness technique makes more sense now. I knew that it is true, I often used that, but it came quite hard to ask forgiveness from myself - it didn`t make sense. Why am I talking so much about this technique? To emphasize the mechanism, not because I am a doctor - this is a particular case of using this technique of instantly shaping the Universe. Mornah could produce the change in a matter of minutes. Dr.Kaleakala was modest, but he knew it is possible.

Should I say about what Jesus said? That if we would have faith as little as a peas...

If you haven`t already seen the movie, I recomend it.Here you have a 24min teaser.


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