The Secret - Y?

Because Universe`s laws are the same no matter the scale or dimension; only the observer`s position may differ. And these laws say that the forces appear and act in pairs: action and reaction.

Because the 'normal' state is... the ‘non-existence’. The same way the 'negative' electric current (zero-point-energy), exists and flows, as in the theory, temporally reversed, the Universe always mobilizes an opposite force to tranquilize the disturbance, always tending to reinstaurate the ‘normal’ state.

It is so simple: if you emit pozitive 'waves', you attract 'pozitive' 'energies'. I`ve already heard of this. But I had to understand - the hard way. God please forgive my lack of faith!

Well: where does God comes in? As I said, there are a lot of dimensions, and the perception of each of them is limited to the inferior levels. So the channeling makes sense somehow, but is still bullshit (if you want it to be like that - "as you wish"). I wished that and so it was.

And now what? Now that I got what I wanted, to know, to understand… - let`s get some purposes and go enjoy!

What seems interesting to me is that I don`t feel at all any frustration like some are complaining after they get what they wished. Onestly, I kinnda feel that I`l be here, only didn`t thought so quickly. The better, I can enjoy the rest of the ray. And if you find this blog useful, that means you wanted it. Thank you for inspiring me to write it.;)


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