The homeland security & US Patents Administration keeps us in the dark

Purposely for security reasons (or otherwise bluntly said for keeping the power) the USA authorities keeps A LOT of the technological inovation from reacing the consumer.
I accidentally stumbled upon a huge list of hi-tech inovations that are prohibited from being somehow exported from US.

Waait a minute, but those technologies ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO EXIST. Then WTF are they prohibiting the export for?!


Acoustic projectors, including transducers, incorporating piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, electrostrictive, electrodynamic or hydraulic elements operating individually or in a designed combination


MT applies to optical detectors in 6A002.a.1, or a.3 that are “specially designed” or modified to protect “missiles” against nuclear effects (e.g., Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), X-rays, combined blast and thermal effects), and usable for “missiles”


CC applies to police-model infrared viewers in 6A002.c


(1) See USML Category XII(e)for infrared focal plane arrays, image intensifier tubes, and related parts and components, subject to the ITAR. (2) See USML Category XV(e) for space-qualified focal plane arrays subject to the ITAR. (3) See also ECCNs 6A102, 6A202, and 6A992. (4) See ECCN 0A919 for foreign-made military commodities that incorporate commodities described in 6A002. (5) Section 744.9 imposes a license requirement on commodities described in ECCN 6A002 if being exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) for use by a military end-user or for incorporation into an item controlled by ECCN 0A919.


Multialkali photocathodes (e.g., S-20 and S-25) having a luminous sensitivity exceeding 350 A/lm; b. Metal anodes with a center to center spacing greater than 500 m. Technical Note: 'Charge multiplication' is a form of electronic image amplification and is defined as the generation of charge carriers as a result of an impact ionization gain process. 'Charge multiplication' sensors may take the form of an image intensifier tube, solid state detector or “focal plane array”


6A103 Radomes designed to withstand a combined thermal shock greater than 100 cal/sq cm accompanied by a peak over pressure of greater than 50 kPa, usable in protecting “missiles” against nuclear effects (e.g., Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), X-rays, combined blast and thermal effects), and usable for “missiles”. (These items are “subject to the ITAR.” See 22 CFR parts 120 through 130.) 6A107 Gravity meters (gravimeters) or gravity gradiometers, other than those controlled by 6A007, designed or modified for airborne or marine use, as follows, (see List of Items Controlled) and “specially designed” “parts” and “components” therefor.


ACOUSTICS a. “Software” as follows: a.1. “Software” “specially designed” for acoustic beam forming for the “real time processing” of acoustic data for passive reception using towed hydrophone arrays; a.2. “Source code” for the “real time processing” of acoustic data for passive reception using towed hydrophone arrays; a.3. “Software” “specially designed” for acoustic beam forming for the “real time processing” of acoustic data for passive reception using bottom or bay cable systems; a.4. “Source code” for the “real time processing” of acoustic data for passive reception using bottom or bay cable systems; a.5. “Software” or “source code”, “specially designed” for all of the following:
a.5.a. “Real time processing” of acoustic data from sonar systems controlled by 6A001.a.1.e; and a.5.b. Automatically detecting, classifying and determining the location of divers or swimmers; N.B.: For diver detection “software” or “source code”, “specially designed” or modified for military use, see the U.S. Munitions List of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR part 121). b. Optical sensors. None.
CAMERAS c. “Software” designed or modified for cameras incorporating “focal plane arrays” specified by 6A002.a.3.f and designed or modified to remove a frame rate restriction and allow the camera to exceed the frame rate specified in 6A003.b.4 Note 3.a;
OPTICS d. “Software” specially designed to maintain the alignment and phasing of segmented mirror systems consisting of mirror segments having a diameter or major axis length equal to or larger than 1 m; e. Lasers. None.
f. “Software” as follows: f.1. “Software” “specially designed” for magnetic and electric field “compensation systems” for magnetic sensors designed to operate on mobile platforms; f.2. “Software” “specially designed” for magnetic and electric field anomaly detection on mobile platforms; f.3. “Software” “specially designed” for “real time processing” of electromagnetic data using underwater electromagnetic receivers specified by 6A006.e; f.4. “Source code” for “real time processing” of electromagnetic data using underwater electromagnetic receivers specified by 6A006.e;
GRAVIMETERS g. “Software” “specially designed” to correct motional influences of gravity meters or gravity gradiometers;
RADAR h. “Software” as follows: h.1. Air Traffic Control (ATC) “software” application “programs” designed to be hosted on general purpose computers located at Air Traffic Control centers and capable of accepting radar target data from more than four primary radars; h.2. “Software” for the design or “production” of radomes and having all of the following: h.2.a. “Specially designed” to protect the “electronically steerable phased array antennae” controlled by 6A008.e.; and h.2.b. Resulting in an antenna pattern having an ‘average side lobe level’ more than 40 dB below the peak of the main beam level. Technical Note: ‘Average side lobe level’ in 6D003.h.2.b is measured over the entire array excluding the angular extent of the main beam and the first two side lobes on either side of the main beam.

Here is one o the complete lists:  The level of "prohibited" detail is astonishing!

Can you even imagine what is the US capable with all this "non-existent on the market but still prohibited from export" technology? Can you even imagine the impact on privacy?

What privacy?!


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