The Miracle of “Creation”
The magazine “ I n f i n i t e E n e r g y ISSUE 43, 2002” – explains the pain… of creation. It is a MUST, to see how smart those dexters scientists really are (and to understand why ho`oponopono is not stupid naivity – I`ll drive you crazy with that, I know, but this is.. pure mathematics, it`s… muzic/harmony) Al this can be found in : HotsonPart1.pdf (and FreeEnergy.pdf) – search it on google, if not, try yahoo and other search engines.. Things you probably din`t know about the electrons (…) However, for Heisenberg to put physics into the “creation” business is something else entirely. In what form does a “relation” loan out “pure energy”? Cash, check, or money order? And since there are unlimited numbers of epos around every charge at all times, it doesn’t matter how briefly each individual epo exists, this amounts to a permanent loan of infinite energy. “Creation” is the proper term for it: only God could have that much energy to loan. There are further conservation problems with ...