
Se afișează postări din mai, 2008

The Miracle of “Creation”

The magazine “ I n f i n i t e E n e r g y ISSUE 43, 2002” – explains the pain… of creation. It is a MUST, to see how smart those dexters scientists really are (and to understand why ho`oponopono is not stupid naivity – I`ll drive you crazy with that, I know, but this is.. pure mathematics, it`s… muzic/harmony) Al this can be found in : HotsonPart1.pdf (and FreeEnergy.pdf) – search it on google, if not, try yahoo and other search engines.. Things you probably din`t know about the electrons (…) However, for Heisenberg to put physics into the “creation” business is something else entirely. In what form does a “relation” loan out “pure energy”? Cash, check, or money order? And since there are unlimited numbers of epos around every charge at all times, it doesn’t matter how briefly each individual epo exists, this amounts to a permanent loan of infinite energy. “Creation” is the proper term for it: only God could have that much energy to loan. There are further conservation problems with ...

Corruption is a viral system

And still, the american system could be a good choice, in 80 years they made a social security system capable of helpinga lot of people. Some of these services are using local recirculated fund through ‘non-proffit’ organisations, around the countless ‘churces’. They build for example hospitals more or less ‘free’ that are, of course, overcrowded (I don`t know even if there is this word in english) Everything was great, but as every time, when everything is fine, appear some wise guys and take advantage of the onest people. Something that the comunism and as we can see nor the american security system took in consideration, is gred. Both have this weakness as much as it is so.. human. Selfcleaning is at this point impossible. When everything is based on interest, the coruption contaminates every individual in the system and they cannot be cured. Unfortunately you cannot survive either as an honest man. Coruption is a viral system, thus it`s huge success. Iadmit, I`m infected. But I`m...


This is a diagram of a flying saucer, I poted it only for fun, if you really care, search the web, Stefan Marinov designed some more simple and logical engine, without permanent magnets. You can find this diagram here in this book “ A Practical Guide to ‘Free-Energy’ Devices ” . this diagram is from Otis Carr`s project (who`s story is too foggy for my taste), Jerry Decker describe the principle on, I have no idea if this would work, although the theory is correct. I care only about the principle, I like my planet and don`t intent leaving. This is hairy Hutchison playing with high frequencies (very high) and discovered that this changes the properties of the substances. See for yourself on  youtube . Where did you saw this object: This is as a reply to what the conspirationists are saying that the americans are serving the truth with a teaspoon to the population. This aparatus appears in all the cartoons involving 'aliens', 'Jetsons','mad scientist...

Free unlimited energy

- Teddy Cline plasma cutter is burning water transformed in Brown's Gas : “burns extremely hot on other materials (5000˚C), but only feels warm on hand, the burner tip remains cool. The technology uses radiowaves to turn H2O in HHO. The process combines the power of hidrogen with the stability of water. Teddy is working for military now, developping a hybrid hummer.”(Craig Patrik Fox26 News) - -- Graeme Jenkins made an adapter to actually add water transformed in hydrogen to gas while burning into the cylindres, almost doubling the driving distance. - cold fusion – (100˚C) is NOT a mith . Mychael Raines build water plasma reactor that burns hydrogen. The brave pioneers driving a 100% water car - John Keely cracking frequencies: 610Hz, 42.8 KHz to produce “ charged water gas clusters ” , , - Stanley Meyer <0.5A, 20kHz from a rotary pulse voltage generator – produces the most HHO by tunning the freq with a total η...

Overunity =‘impossible’

Overunity = ‘ impossible ’ motors that produce electricity more than consumes breaking the laws of physics - Alexander Sinetzki , Edwin Gray , Searl Effect Generator many more on the web that tells you how : pulsed DC excitation, dynamic tunning, magnet motor FREE POWER PERENDEV OCMPMM (WhipMag) starts with 3 rotating clocwise at the same time with two satelites and one anticlockwise and acclerates when removing the 2 clockwise, running only with the one anticlockwise. FREE ENDLESS ENERGY : the full movie Hal Puthoff is a sckeptic that put up an entire facility to test any overunity thermical devices. John Bedini " Energy from the Vacuum " Documentary Series – a motor : battery+condensator+motor+consumer, working on Tesla's “radiant energy ”. “ Negative energy is the energy that surrounding vacuum or surrounding space-time, is always desperatly trying to flow into your negative energy flow and increase it and what we call conductivity is the ability to prevent ...

And at least.. LEVITATION:

- Hutchison effect , discovered by a pretty pitoresque guy looking much like Florian Pitish, (or Mick Jagger) ia the floating of objects, prefferable cylinders or (in my opinion anything simetrical conductor that has an internal circuit – thus an coiled apple could fly too) at a speciffic narrow band of frequencies applied through a piezoelectric cristal. The principle of self rezonation, feromagnetic andpiezomagnetic,involves the Casimir effect and space-charge barrier technology in semiconductors. The cristal used is similar with those in England, that have a constant electric potential – this make me think that stonehenge could me a laungh ramp into orbit for large objects. The vibrations work through the zero-point-energy and use it to move things. Also, the Hutcison effect determine cristaline and subatomic tranzitions in materials (metals) Quite a lot of patents are in this book: “ A Practical Guide to ‘Free-Energy’ Devices ” . Worth reading it. All truth passes through three s...

string theory -> membrane theory and Paralel Universes - Unified Field Theory

Science and demonstrative Mathematics - string theory -> membrane theory and Paralel Universes - Unified Field Theory - big bang was the result of coliding of two branes. in less that 1h our universe was formed - as I thougst, at high speeds, you do a lot of things in a short time :) - gravitrons can travel between dimensions, what about electromagnetic waves (the radio signal we have sent and that appeared in a cropcircle form )? - aliens are in another dimension. there were occasional encounters with observed different time flow. they communicate through cropcircle (that appeared on buildings and snow too) - as demonstrated, the ones that live in an universe with more dimensions are capable of doing more things. our universe has 10 dimensions (“most of them microscopically small”)+time. there are 'paralel' universes that could be as near as occupying the same space, without seeing eachother - no wonder, as we can see only 4 of the 10 dimension. - the universe is a simphon...

Ascending - Ho'oponopono – forgiveness therapy

Ascending - Ho'oponopono – forgiveness therapy, the void. The three components of self: subconscient, conscient and superconscient. Simply put, Ho'oponopono means, "to make right," or "to rectify an error." According to the ancient Hawaiians, error arises from thoughts that are tainted by painful memories from the past. Ho'oponopono offers a way to release the energy of these painful thoughts, or errors, which cause imbalance and disease. Along with the updated Ho'oponopono process, Morrnah was guided to include the three parts of the self, which are the key to Self I-Dentity. These three parts -- which exist in every molecule of reality -- are called the Unihipili (child/subconscious), the Uhane (mother/conscious), and the Aumakua (father/superconscious). When this "inner family" is in alignment, a person is in rhythm with the Divinity. With this balance, life begins to flow. Thus, Ho'oponopono helps restore balance in the individual ...

Our spiritual neighbours – the exorcism

Our spiritual neighbours – the exorcism - I learnt that there are a couple of spiritual beings that live among us – they posess our bodies and we often have to exorcize them. They are individuals, have names, are type of male and female (I have no idea how/if that matters; females usually have this sign: Imi) - they are two kinds, devils and djins, sumerian called them utukku, that were dispatched to the surface from Ki Gal (the hell inside our planet). They look exactly as I thought anunaky were carved in stone.(or maybe that user was wrong) Isaw 2 different aspects, one with human and one with eagle face. - they are afraid of the name of God, Being that name Allah or Jesus, aparently is the meaning that matters. - they are very afraid of holly water/oil - they are inteligent and have feelings, they have families and family violence – the can kill each other - they are optional parasites as they do posess our bodies for their own fun and satisfaction – they are here with us, sharing...

Aliens hypothesis

This text takes in consideration only things that might have a connection with the change of ages Aliens hypothesis - this cropcircles warn us: “do not trust the bearer of the present – much pain, but there is still time - there is still good out there”. I see this warning as a good thing, saying that all will pass, looks peaceful, but some people think it is a scam. (Nibiru and age changing, the reversing of Earth`s poles, the new calendar – although I though the mayan calendar was on 10.000 years, meaning 3-4 ages/zodi si nu zice nicaieri ca s-ar schimba calendarul ci doar ca se opreste; we will see, or not) - the flood will be more than 50m(about 300-400m). will cover all Europe and 60% of Africa. That is why the New World Order wants population control. Because they know they will be too many. America will be 70% submerged. - cropcircles: they are human, they answered back - cropcircles: mayan calendar England2004 - the generic Jesus from Nibiru, the grays, implants, genetic mani...

Ancient civilisations & relics

- one of the 13 cristal skulls, perfectly crafted from a single piece of quartz, keep all the cristal electromagnetic properties.coming probably from Atlantis, were dispersed across maya theritory during the spanish conquer – to study – has sth holografic. I sugest it might be an optic hdd but.. I`m dreaming. - I`m wondering why the panacas of incas had difformed skuls. I thought they would do that to mimic their ancestors. And maybe I`m not wrong, after all, there may have been more than one type of anunaki. But: if humans are genetically engeniered as the sumerian story say, the anunakis must NOT have been human. Something is wrong about our humanoid form. If this biped form is such a successful form, Consequently, the cristal skul, wich is so less probable to be made by humans in such a perfect form, the normal skulls have usually a couple of imperfections (it`s sayd to take a year with our present laser technology) must be an homage to the new creation, the rightful heir ofEarth, t...

Nibiru crossing, maybe a Nibiru eclipse

Nibiru crossing , maybe a Nibiru eclipse O ipoteza a mea e ca omuletii gri au fost tot timpul pazitorii nostri si au vegheat mai mult sau mai putin sa nu ne dam singuri foc, avand insa o alta agenda, sa ne faca mai ‘destepti’ – vezi inflorirea peste noapte a teoriilor rezonantelor, corzi, branes si unified field. Poate ca asa se explica rapirile implanturile – modificare din mers, pregatire pentru noile informatii. Probabil ca nu au luat contact cu US government ci isi vad de treaba lor. Ar putea fi roboti, desi unele mesaje din cropcircles sunt cu ochi mari, altele normale. Cu siguranta sunt mai multe feluri de straini, fie ei roboti sau fiinte vii. - Horu`s eye, ochiul in piramida se pare ca nu e ochiul lui Dumnezeu (sau depinde cine e Dumnezeul acelora care il folosesc),666, coarnele,steaua lui david care are 6 vf, 6puncte si inca ceva, X care vine de la intersectarea planetelor, semnul Imi care e salutul rockerilor, se pare...

Mondial Ocultism /Masonry /Historical Scams

that` s how far they would go – where they names the US government under the patronage of New World Order - Plese remember I don`t say it is exactly like this, but you don`t get smoke without fire. It is a thing to consider. Study first and then think for yourselves! - I will not discuss whether New World Order is an effective organisation or not, as president Bush himself declared ‘we need a New World Order ’. There is a saying that states ‘the man is known trough his actions’. - during the World War II, the passenger ship that was send with american passengers into the war zone to be sunk by the german submarines to give America a reason to enter the war - the federal rezerve fraud :http :// - the "income tax" fraud - there is no law that would allow this tax, it is illegal and abusive."do not pay it, they cannot pursue you, they cannot even answer you what law is based upon, because there is no succh law!"...

Religious mistifications and Manipulations

Religious mistifications and Manipulations - the sun of god in zeitgeist - it`s all about astrology, the sun on the crux is a pagan simbol, not crestianist. after the age of pisces=jesus, comes the age of aquarius=maybe some other new age profet. - unified religion: life of jesus, the flood - all the quoted words from scriptures are present from the agiptians and Gilgames toward our days. - Bible would be an astrologic-theologic hybrid as all other religions. That means we vainly try to prouve Jesus was unique, although he could not do all that he did being a human as we were told He was – would that mean that He was an idea? I think this is what the movie intend to prouve naming Him ‘sun of god’ and the astrological explanation of His words. A mith is a mobilizing and orienting story for the people. Thos who know the truth use the miths in manipulating the otrhers. That`s partially why they hide important stuff from the world. The vatican is into this, as the crestianism would be a ro...


- we are seeded by some anunaki (those who came from heaven to earth) to harvest minerals on earth - most plausible (as the fallen ones would be those 'angels' who mate with earthlings) or - we are the heirs of some martians (little gray or huge gray - the huge ones could be their offsprings withg earthlings) and - we mistified all the astrology that sometimes (very long ago) matter, as cosmic events had the most impact on civilizations (human wars are just storm in a galss of water) or - the old pop that The Church is always saying that loves us and gave His son to die to pay for our sins will eventually come and fry us for being such laisy asses and not working for ascension; and all those that believe in astrology will burn in hell. and - god is beyound all of this, ho'oponopono (the ascend) and the mathematically prouved unified field theory are true, and no matter how complex our universe is and how the new world order will do it`s intrigues with aliens, the ultimate g...

(some are part of the chapter drug scams)

Healing and MEDICINE (some are part of the chapter drug scams) ‘ electrification of the blood’ 20mart1991 page247 “Science news” – dr. Steven Kaali patentat in 1992 full patent here . In “Huston Post” 20mart1991 says only after 15 years will be ready the method. THE VERY SAME DAY! Electrification of the blood with 50-100µA, 0.2 to 12 volts , all bacteria/patogens are ‘paralized’ and the organism can eliminate them. The circuit scheme indicates that continuous current is used. For this purpose the low voltage electric potentials applied to the treatment vessel should be of the order of from about 0.2 to 12 volts and should produce current flow densities in the blood or other fluids of from one microampere per square millimeter of electrode area exposed to the fluid being treated to about two milliamperes per square millimeter. Treatment time within this range of parameters may range for a period of time from about one minute to about 12 minutes.U.S. References Cited: 15 patents: #...

An interview with dr. Haleakala, psychiatrician and ho`oponopono practician

An interview with dr. Haleakala, psychiatrician and ho`oponopono practician - "All therapy is a form of manipulation." – dr. Haleakala Haleakala: Manipulation happens when I (as a therapist) come from the idea that you are ill and I am going to work on you. On the other hand, it's not manipulation if I realize that you are coming to me to give me a chance to look at what's going on in me. There's a big difference. So first of all, I think the most important question to ask is, "What is a problem?" If you ask people this, there's no clarity, they make up some way of solving the problem... Haleakala: Yes. For example, the other day I got a call from the daughter of a woman who is 92. She said, "My mother's had these severe hip pains for several weeks." While she's talking to me, I'm asking this question of the Divinity, "What is going on in me that I have caused that woman's pain?" And then I ask, "How is it tha...

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