And at least.. LEVITATION:

- Hutchison effect, discovered by a pretty pitoresque guy looking much like Florian Pitish, (or Mick Jagger) ia the floating of objects, prefferable cylinders or (in my opinion anything simetrical conductor that has an internal circuit – thus an coiled apple could fly too) at a speciffic narrow band of frequencies applied through a piezoelectric cristal. The principle of self rezonation, feromagnetic andpiezomagnetic,involves the Casimir effect and space-charge barrier technology in semiconductors. The cristal used is similar with those in England, that have a constant electric potential – this make me think that stonehenge could me a laungh ramp into orbit for large objects. The vibrations work through the zero-point-energy and use it to move things. Also, the Hutcison effect determine cristaline and subatomic tranzitions in materials (metals)

Quite a lot of patents are in this book: “A Practical Guide to ‘Free-Energy’ Devices. Worth reading it.

All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Pistol shrimp” is doing well.. cold fusion. It produces a void buble through cavitation effect that produces sun surfaces temperature while colapsing.


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