Our spiritual neighbours – the exorcism

Our spiritual neighboursthe exorcism

- I learnt that there are a couple of spiritual beings that live among us – they posess our bodies and we often have to exorcize them. They are individuals, have names, are type of male and female (I have no idea how/if that matters; females usually have this sign: Imi)

- they are two kinds, devils and djins, sumerian called them utukku, that were dispatched to the surface from Ki Gal (the hell inside our planet). They look exactly as I thought anunaky were carved in stone.(or maybe that user was wrong) Isaw 2 different aspects, one with human and one with eagle face.

- they are afraid of the name of God, Being that name Allah or Jesus, aparently is the meaning that matters.

- they are very afraid of holly water/oil

- they are inteligent and have feelings, they have families and family violence – the can kill each other

- they are optional parasites as they do posess our bodies for their own fun and satisfaction

they are here with us, sharing our lives. They do not necessarily come from another paralel world or sth, as they have been here long-long time ago. They might be software parasites, our own erroneous creations, but they are always refered as another being. And the exorcism actually removes them from the host, and they do not reapear. The host life is afterwords a healthy one, as before the posession..

- the worst in my opinion is that we could have one of those djins and not know it because as being different beings, they might not manifest so bad – i.e. we might just have ‘acceptable’ bad habbits.

- maybe they are hiding in the host – just a supposition, as that devil was afraid that her family would kill her (or she lied).


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