(some are part of the chapter drug scams)

Healing and MEDICINE (some are part of the chapter drug scams)

electrification of the blood’ 20mart1991 page247 “Science news” – dr. Steven Kaali patentat in 1992 full patent here.

In “Huston Post” 20mart1991 says only after 15 years will be ready the method. THE VERY SAME DAY!

Electrification of the blood with 50-100µA, 0.2 to 12 volts, all bacteria/patogens are ‘paralized’ and the organism can eliminate them. The circuit scheme indicates that continuous current is used. For this purpose the low voltage electric potentials applied to the treatment vessel should be of the order of from about 0.2 to 12 volts and should produce current flow densities in the blood or other fluids of from one microampere per square millimeter of electrode area exposed to the fluid being treated to about two milliamperes per square millimeter. Treatment time within this range of parameters may range for a period of time from about one minute to about 12 minutes.U.S. References Cited: 15 patents: #'s 5049252, 3994799, 4473449, 5133932, 2490730, 3692648, 3753886, 3878564, 3965008, 4616640, 4770167, 4932421, 5058065, 5133932, 592735, 672231

- healing through light inside us, not through chemicals. the healing is in effect so quick due to the interventions at the informational level, through vibrations. the operator is playing the music of the subject.(dr Michio Kaku)

- To be an effective problem solver, the therapist must be willing to be 100% responsible for having created the problem situation; that is, he must be willing to see that the source of the problem are erroneous thoughts within him, not within the client. Therapists never seem to notice that every time there is a problem, they are always present! Being 100% responsible for actualizing the problem allows the therapist to be 100% responsible for resolving it. As erroneous thoughts are replaced by loving thoughts in the therapist and in his family, relatives and ancestors, they are replaced too in the client and in her family, relatives and ancestors. The updated Ho'oponopono process allows the therapist to work directly with the Original Source who can transmute erroneous thoughts into LOVE.

This tells me that the idea of

- DNA not only emits lights when stimulated with light, it emits photons constanly (Michael Tsarion on YouTube) it is the link between our spiritual and physical being, the ‘silver chord’ that ‘brakes’ only a few days after death – so the kuna can bring back to life the dead. DNA can be willingly changed by ourselves. Ce sa mai zic de manipularea liniilor de forta pt indreptarea oaselor, tot o tehnica kuna.

- http://www.descubresalud.com zice cam ce le zic si eu pacientilor: we are what we eat.


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