Free unlimited energy

- Teddy Cline plasma cutter is burning water transformed in Brown's Gas: “burns extremely hot on other materials (5000˚C), but only feels warm on hand, the burner tip remains cool. The technology uses radiowaves to turn H2O in HHO. The process combines the power of hidrogen with the stability of water. Teddy is working for military now, developping a hybrid hummer.”(Craig Patrik Fox26 News) - -- Graeme Jenkins made an adapter to actually add water transformed in hydrogen to gas while burning into the cylindres, almost doubling the driving distance.

- cold fusion – (100˚C) is NOT a mith. Mychael Raines build water plasma reactor that burns hydrogen.

The brave pioneers driving a 100% water car

- John Keely cracking frequencies: 610Hz, 42.8KHz to produce “charged water gas,,

- Stanley Meyer <0.5A, 20kHz from a rotary pulse voltage generator – produces the most HHO by tunning the freq with a total η=700% meaning a COP of 70. Stephen Meyer`s engine used 40 stainless steel cylinder electrodes,δ=1mm spacing, no electrolyte, 10-250kHz square wave. 90% duty cycle, 12V, 0.3A, 3,6W => H2@1psi/min pulse coil control ortho vs. para hydrogen, Stan Meyer supposed to die after he built such a car running on water (2,6l/100km), one water fuel cell would cost about $1500 and can be installed simgle/hybrid on any gas car.

- Thomas Kramer build a wasercar and have a nice discussion about waser rezonans,

- Todd Knudston Brown's Gas anomalies are similar to Charged Clusters Gas anomalies,Denny Klein `s HHO generator (δ=0.15-0.35inches, sodium/potassium hydroxide electrolite, 12V generates water manecules by R.Santili cluster),

- Ruggero Santilli, Andrija Puharich, John Kanzius, Stephen Chambers, Paoul Zigouras, Philip Kanarev, William Rhoada, Yull Brown, George Wiseman, Newman motor, Paul Pantone,

- Joe CellMark I energy cell,

- Alex Schiffer - the Orgone theory,

Viktor Schauberger – jet engine waser based on Whorl pipes

- Charle Garett patented an electrolitic carburator – that`s a fine work, I`ve read it in . “A Practical Guide to ‘Free-Energy’ Devices.

It is dangerous to run on water – not because of the H2, not because of the rust, but because of the… Oil. Go there and see what happen when you use google or yahoo for your e-mail.


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